MGetaBitmap BitmapNumber.w,X.w,Y.w,Width.w,Height.w[,Block?,CookieIsStencil?] ; Grab bitmap from shape

Grabs a new chunky Bitmap object from a previously-created chunky Shape object.
The chunky Bitmap is created of the dimensions specified (Width must be multiple
of 4) and then the Shape's graphic is copied into the Bitmap. If the `Block'
parameter is set to True or On, a block-scroll type of grab will be used, for
which the Bitmap should have a width that is a multiple of 16, and the Bitmap
should be grabbed from X coordinates that are multiples of 16. You can also
specify to use the Shape's cookie as the stencil, in which case the relevant
portion of the cookie will be copied into the new Bitmap's stencil. The end
result is a new, standalone (non-cludged) chunky Bitmap.

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